What is it?

(Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)
is a complex, multi-system, multi-symptom illness following exposure to biotoxins.
Biotoxins are poisonous substances produced by bacteria, plants, and fungi that serve as a biological defense. Mold that is found in water-damaged buildings and homes is a common source of biotoxins. For most individuals, the body’s detoxification process filters the biotoxins with little to no effect. But roughly 24% of the population has a genetic disposition that leaves them susceptible to CIRS.

The ensuing inflammation can affect various organ systems, which may become debilitating if not treated. CIRS can affect memory, vision, mood, energy, executive functions, and can be misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, or even Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, allergies, fibromyalgia, and more.

What is The CIRS Project?

The CIRS Project is a growing community who strives to bring hope to those struggling with CIRS by providing education, clean living, and resources. That means we want to help make everything around CIRS easier — easier to understand what it is, the causes, the symptoms, resources and treatment options that could be most helpful.

We are preparing to launch a more robust website to assist you in your journey. Until then, enter your information below to be included in The CIRS Project newsletter that will be distributed soon.

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