The CIRS Project

The CIRS Project is a faith based 501C3 headquartered in the state of Colorado. The idea of helping people struggling with CIRS was born out of personal experience from not only the founders, but the board members as well.


The purpose of the CIRS Project is to provide clean living and educational resources for individuals afflicted with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Our vision is to cultivate a supportive community and instill real hope for those who feel alone and lost on their journey. 


We are wholly dedicated to the well-being of CIRS patients, recognizing the debilitating toll this illness can take. When first diagnosed, feeling overwhelmed is an understatement. Left untreated or mismanaged, CIRS can lead to devastating effects, and in severe cases, even death. Compounding the challenge is the considerable financial burden of treatment, with many unable to afford the necessary environmental adjustments.


Our long-term vision is to provide clean housing that alleviates symptoms and facilitates effective treatment, providing short-term accommodations for 3-6 months based on individual symptom severity. Additionally, we prioritize education and targeted resources, such as a wellness roadmap, to support those navigating the challenges of CIRS. Given the prevalent symptoms of brain atrophy, fog and fatigue, our goal is to streamline access to easily understandable information and resources, ensuring those living with CIRS can make informed decisions about their health journey.


Pillar One: Education

A significant challenge surrounding CIRS is the lack of clear communication and understanding about the condition. No one knows how to talk about it, describe it or explain it in simple terms. We aim to address this by simplifying the CIRS narrative, not only for those directly affected but also for those seeking to support our cause. People are unlikely to support what they don't comprehend, and CIRS patients themselves often struggle to grasp its complexities.


A main objective of the CIRS Project is to establish an educational platform that dispels confusion and reduces chaos surrounding CIRS. Through our website and other informational materials, we will provide accessible resources that make sense for both patients and their supporters. Our goal is to redefine the narrative surrounding CIRS, making it comprehensible to the public. We will consolidate and regularly update information from professionals to ensure our clients have access to the latest insights in a user-friendly, common-sense format. By prioritizing education, we aim to elevate the CIRS community's visibility and understanding, moving beyond being an abstract illness to a recognized endemic.


Pillar Two: Clean Living

The clean-living vision is to construct a campground featuring container or tiny homes made from state-of-the-art, clean-living materials for easy upkeep. These homes offer respite and wellness for symptomatic patients, with the added potential to serve as permanent homes for recovered individuals, given their mobility on wheels. In essence, clients come to the campground to experience clean living and then have the option to take it with them, addressing the challenge of finding affordable clean housing. This model serves as a blueprint for nationwide expansion to meet growing demand.


With the CIRS Project, we're not just tackling the challenges of CIRS, we're sparking profound change. Through clean living and education, we are a beacon of light; tailored accommodations and clear narratives lead us toward understanding and empowerment.


Together, we're not just building homes and advancing education — we're creating sanctuaries of healing and hope for the hopeless.